
Appeal Procedure

Supervisors will hold a student conference with students who score less than 100%. Students who are dissatisfied with the outcome may bring up any appeal during the student conference at least 7 working days from the release of assessment results.

If the appeal is on an error in scoring (marking), the Supervisor is to check the student’s PACE Test against the standard PACE Test Key. If there is an error, the Supervisor rectifies the score accordingly. If the appeal is on an error in computation of the assessment marks, the Supervisor is to recalculate and affirm the discrepancies before amendments can be made to the assessment marks.

The Supervisor will inform the student of the outcome within 3 working days from the date of the appeal and amend the Student Progress Report.

Dispute Resolution Policy

Handling of Feedback and Complaints

  • The School’s Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedures will cover all students’ official complaints that it receives from any formal channels. These will be communicated to students and aligned with the Private Education Regulations.
  • All official complaints must be properly recorded and/or documented. Any correspondence (including actions taken) between the School and the complainant must be annexed as evidence. This is to ensure that any staff handling the case are kept aware of the progress / outcomes.
  • Admin Department is to respond to respective students within 3 to 7 working days of receipt of any official complaints received. This is to ensure that students are aware that the School is aware of the Complaint received and is in the process of handling it.
  • All complaints must be resolved within 21 working days. If the deadline is not adhered to, respective students must be notified and the reasons with regards to the delay must be made known.
  • In the event that the School and the student cannot come to an agreement, or the student does not accept the final decision made by the Management Team, they will be referred to Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) or Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb) for mediation.

Dispute Resolution Procedures

  1. Students / Parents / Guardians are to approach the Admin Department to request for a Feedback Form.
  2. Fill in the Feedback Form and submit the Cognito Form to the Admin Department or by email.
  3. The Admin Department will acknowledge your feedback/complaint within 3 to 7 working days.
  4. The Admin Department will review the complaint and discuss it with relevant parties on issue raised. A formal investigation will be carried out if necessary.
  5. The Admin Department will explain the proposed solution to you and you should acknowledge the situation within 14 working days, regardless of whether you accept or are satisfied with the proposed solution.
  6. Should you not be satisfied with the resolution, the matter will be escalated to the Management Team.
  7. The decision of the Management Team is final.
  8. Should the final resolution still be unsatisfactory, you will be referred to the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) or Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb).
  9. The entire process should not take more than 21 working days unless otherwise specified.

Refund Policy

The School shall ensure a fair and reasonable refund policy is detailed for all students.

The maximum processing time from refund request to the issuance of the qualified refund amount should not exceed 7 working days and the Finance/ Admin Department would need to inform students/parents/guardians on how the refund is being computed.

The School adopts the Refund Policy as per the Standard Student Contract as set out by CPE.

This Policy will act as a framework in guiding the implementation of detailed refund processes and procedures in the following areas:-

  • Withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course
  • Withdrawal Due to Other Reasons
  • Withdrawls made during the Cooling off Period

School Refund Policy as per clauses in the Standard Student Contract:-

Refund for Withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course:
The PEI will notify the Student within three (3) working days upon knowledge of any of the following:

  • It does not commence the Course on the Course Commencement Date;
  • It terminates the Course before the Course Commencement Date;
  • It does not complete the Course by the Course Completion Date
  • It terminates the Course before the Course Completion Date;
  • It has not ensured that the Student meets the course entry or matriculation requirement as set by the organisation stated in Schedule A of the standard student contract within any stipulated timeline set by CPE; or
  • The Student’s Pass application is rejected by Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).

The Student should be informed in writing of alternative study arrangements (if any), and also be entitled to a refund of the entire Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees already paid should the Student decide to withdraw, within seven (7) working days of the above notice.

Refund for Withdrawal Due to Other Reasons:
If the Student withdraws from the Course for any reason other than those stated in Clause 2.1 of the standard student contract, the PEI will, within seven (7) working days of receiving the Student’s written notice of withdrawal, refund to the Student an amount based on the table in Schedule D of the standard student contract.

Refund during Cooling-off Period:
The PEI will provide the Student with a cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after the date that the Contract has been signed by both parties.

The Student will be refunded the highest percentage (stated in Schedule D of the Standard Student Contract) of the fees already paid if the Student submits a written notice of withdrawal to the PEI within the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the Student has started the course or not.

Refund Table:

% of (the amount of fees paid under Schedules B and C)If Student’s written notice of withdrawal is received
50%more than (30) days before the Course Commencement Date
30%before, but not more than (30) days before the Course Commencement Date
20%after, but not more than (7) days after the Course Commencement Date
0%more than (7) days after the Course Commencement Date

Non-Refundable Fees:

  • FPS Fee
  • Fees reflected in Schedule C of the Standard Student Contract

Refund Procedures

  1. For any requests on Refunds, students/parents/guardians are to fill in the Refund Request Form and submit them to the Finance / Admin Department. Students/Parents/Guardians should state the reasons for the request.
  2. Finance / Admin Department would need to then contact the student/parents/guardians to understand more on the rationale of request if necessary. This would be part of the processing of student request and details would need to be documented in the Refund Request Form.
  3. For any refund cases, the Finance / Admin Department would need to explain and document down in the Refund Request Form on how the refund amount is being computed.
  4. Management Team would need to approve or acknowledge all requests in the Refund Request Form.
  5. For students below the age of 18 Years Old, a written consent would need to be gotten from the parent / legal guardian. Evidence of consent can either be signing off on the Refund Request Form or any emails / letters that will need to be attached to the Refund Request Form.
  6. Upon management approval or acknowledgement, Finance / Admin Department would need to contact the students/parents/guardians to collect the Refund Amount or check their bank account and issue a Refund Settlement for acknowledgement.
  7. In the event if a cheque is sent to the students/parents/guardians by mail, the School will request for an acknowledgement email from them.
  8. Where possible, the School will get acknowledgement of receipt of refund amount from the students/parents/guardians. Should the School be unable to do so, clear records of the transaction should be kept.
  9. Finance / Admin Department would need to take note of the maximum processing time, including informing students of the final outcome, as follows:-
    Refunds, including payments made to students within 7 working days.

Deferment/Withdrawal Policy

The maximum processing time from students request of any deferment/withdrawal to notifying students of the outcome in writing should not exceed 4 weeks.
The School will base the student requests on the following definitions:

  • Course Withdrawal: Student discontinues all courses with the PEI.
  • Deferment: Student delays or postpones the course (or modules).

Conditions for granting Course Deferment

  • Students can apply for deferment only twice (up to 2 times per course).
  • Deferment is subjected to the availability of courses and modules offered. The School reserves the right to offer similar courses and modules in replacement of discontinued courses or modules.
  • Students are to note that maximum duration allowed to complete a course should not be more than TWICE the normal registered course duration. For example, if a course is registered as 1-year duration, the maximum time allowed to complete the course successfully is 2 years.
  • Requests for extension can be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Students are to note that they will need to apply for a new student pass when re-joining the School and this is subjected to ICA’s approval.

Conditions for granting Course Withdrawal:

  • All outstanding fees must be settled prior to approval of request.
  • 30-days’ notice period.
  • ICA will be informed through the cancellation of the Student’s Pass. Student’s Pass Holder is required to submit his/her Student’s Pass to the School for cancellation of the Student’s Pass with ICA.
  • A student who withdraws will have their contract terminated.

Note: The School does not practice internal transfers.

Deferment/Withdrawal Procedures

  1. For any requests on Deferment, and Withdrawal, students are to fill in the Course Deferment Form and Course Withdrawal Request Form and submit them to the Admin Department. For eligible refund cases, the ‘Refund’ Section of the Refund Request Form will be completed as well.
  2. Students should state the reasons for the request.
  3. Upon receipt of the Course Deferment Form and Course Withdrawal Request Form, the Admin Department is to contact the parents/guardians of student to find out further the intention of the request. This is to be done within 2 working days of upon receipt of the Course Deferment Form and Course Withdrawal Request Form (based on the date of application).
  4. For any refund cases, the Admin / Finance Department would need to explain and document down in the Refund Request Form on how the refund amount is being computed.
  5. Admin Department would also need to inform External Academic Partners and seek permission for deferment of studies for students that are enrolled in courses with External Academic Partners. (If applicable)
  6. Management Team would need to approve (Course Deferment and Withdrawal) all requests in the Course Deferment Form and Course Withdrawal Request Form.
  7. For students below the age of 18 Years Old, a written consent would need to be gotten from the parent / legal guardian. Evidence of consent can either be signing off on the Course Deferment Form and Course Withdrawal Request Form or any emails / letters that will need to be attached to the Course Deferment Form and Course Withdrawal Request Form.
  8. Upon Management Team approval, Admin Department would need to notify students in writing of the outcome via the following documents:-
    • Letter to Effect Course Deferment
    • Letter to Effect Course Withdrawal
  9. Admin Department would need to take note of the maximum processing time, including informing students of the final outcome, as follows:-
    • Refunds, including payment made to students: within 7 working days.
    • Withdrawals and Deferment: within 4 weeks.
  10. Admin Department would also need to make the following updates as and when necessary:-
    • Cancellation of student pass (within 7 working days).
    • Update / application of student pass (within 7 working days).
    • Updating of FPS Service Provider based on new information (within 7 working days) for those FPS purchased before 1st June 2023.
    • No update of information to FPS Service Provider needed for those FPS purchased after 1st June 2023.
    • Processing of Refunds (if applicable)

Late Payment Policy

  • The School will ensure that all students that have applied for the course understand the School’s Late Payment Policy and acknowledge this by signing on the Student Contract.
  • As per the Student Contact (with reference to Section 1 Course Information and Fees), the School will consider payments made 7 days after the scheduled due date(s) included in Schedule B in the Student Contract as late payments.
  • Students who pay after the scheduled due dates may have a late payment fee of $109 (GST inclusive) imposed on them. Students are required to pay this extra fee in addition to their current payment.
  • Students that do not comply with this policy will be considered for withdrawal from the course.
  • The School reserves the final discretion to impose the late payment fee.

Student Support Services

The comprehensive list of student support services and programmes that is provided by the School to meet the needs of students, enhance overall educational experience and promote students’ education is as follow:-

For New Students

  • Accommodation Support Service
  • Arrangement for Medical Screening
  • Arrangement for Bank Account Opening
  • Student Pass Application
  • Student Orientation Programme

For Current Students

  • Medical Insurance
  • Fee Protection Scheme
  • Certified Counsellor
  • Dispute Resolution Process
  • Feedback Mechanism and Channels
  • Students’ Outings, Field Trips and Activities
    • Students’ Outings, Field Trips and Activities bring learning out of the regular classroom environment. These allow students’ collaboration, exploration into new environments, opportunity to problem solving, develop trust, and empathy. They are used not only as a reward and recognition of the hard work students have put in during the term, but also as a tool to enhance social-emotional development and promote students’ education.
  • Regional / International Student Convention
    • The Student Convention allows an exciting opportunity for students to train and develop their talents and widen their interests and experiences in areas such as Music, Speech/Drama, Arts and Academics. This allows our students to increase their self-confidence and leadership in a holistic manner as they compete with students from all around the region.
  • Personalize updates to parents on admission matters / student’s progress which includes:
    • Informing parents on student admission matters / services, including airport pick up, accommodation, etc.
    • Informing parents on student issues, including attendance rate, behaviour, academic performance, etc.
  • Student Progress Reports
    • Student Progress Reports record how a student is progressing in the core academic. It also includes the Holistic Development Report which provides information on the Social/Personal Traits, Working Habits, and the achievements of the students such as awards, community projects and co-curricular activities.
  • Parent Teacher Conference
    • A parent–teacher conference is an opportunity to discuss the student’s progress for the semester with the parent(s). The teacher (supervisor) goes through the Student Progress Report which comprises of the Progress Report and the Holistic Development Report including the Social/Personal Traits, Working Habits, achievements, and awards. This cooperation between the parent and the teacher helps to develop and promote students’ education towards 21st century competency.

Bursary is only eligible for families that require financial aid, subject to the school’s evaluation and approval. Financial documents must be submitted to the School for consideration.

This comprehensive list of student support services is not meant to be exhaustive. The School undertakes the responsibility to continually improve on ensuring that all students’ welfare and needs are well taken care of and will do so by school-student engagements through the various student touch points.


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